In the 21st century Direct Marketing, Network Marketing or Multilevel Marketing, by whatever name, has largely established itself on Wall Street. It has received mixed reviews on Main Street. The jury may not be in on "your street." Still any industry that fills stadiums, sells out hotels, transacts billions of dollars and provides a mechanism for thousands of families to achieve financial independence bears strong consideration and at minimum close investigation.
Depending on whose statistics you use or how you calculate a genuine business effort, the success ratio is at least consistent with traditional business. The investment/loss ratio however is significantly less than a traditional start-up business. At such low price points and low risk, you can choose how hard you are willing to work for how much. Usually time and effort is more of a requirement when you have made a major investment. If you already have a business and you are feeling the effects of the "economic downturn", perhaps you could stand to create another income generator. If you noticed the unemployment trend in the video on this page or in the news in your living room you may again be more curious than normal.
The Upside
We hear about all the scams where people have lost a fortune or at least their life savings on some investment. Alternatively, the risk for most internet-work marketing vehicles can be under $500, even under $50 with some kind of monthly activity which could come out of profits presuming some level of business activity. In the 21st century those closest to you need not be your primary market. You can learn how to market online. You can learn 1] through trial and error, 2] through proven business systems for a fee or ] through picking up nuggets along the way. Consider your risk tolerance, your investment capacity and your level of need.
The Downside
The downside is that when little is required it is easier to walk away without giving it a good business effort. Also, though your personal circle may not be your primary market it is part of your market and it is like a professor said at an unrelated conference, "You've heard it's not just what you know, it's who you know. That is not the whole story. It follows that it's not just who you know. It is what who you know, knows about you." A lot of pain can be experienced when the people who you thought "had your back" do not join or support you in your enterprise. Even if its personal don't take it in. You are taking control of your world and inviting them to participate. They can remain part of your world in other ways. You need to take care of yourself and your family.
There usually is a direct correlation to the cost to get started and to the profit made when you help someone you get started conduct a minimum transaction, service or sale. A few opportunities I like are noted here. In my opinion the entire industry owes a debt of gratitude to the Amway Corporation, now known as Quixtar and Amway Global for blazing a trail through which many have followed. I also have great respect for Herbalife who went toe to toe with the regulatory bodies and survived unfounded negative press. There are many established businesses like Mary Kay or Avon that carry strong reputations. Of course up and coming businesses of this type come with their own strengths and challenges. The important thing is to take action on your personal economy YOUR WAY.
Now with online marketing, and all this social media and search engines those willing to learn or pick up an online marketing system stand to do well in turbulent times. You can get training KYSS through a group we call WOWTEAM World. Actually most online businesses will offer some type of online training. First go to $10 purchase required.
Get free internet marketing through a querky looking business Kootiki, FREE to enroll. You can use the training for virtually any enterprise. You "sponsor's name is "Chelsea McKnight" You never know who your most open minded, motivated people are or what strikes their fancy. A vehicle may not be for a person today and be exactly what they seek tomorrow. Let people decide for themselves. You decide for yourself.
Online money making ideas that just may work for you in these turbulent times. Internet cash. Some international vehicles. Determine if potential far exceeds any risk.. You decide. See links below for encouraging words and valuable resources.