Business Start-up Examples

Based on your strengths, knowledge, skills and interests as well as your temperment use this list to stimulate the possibilities. Be sure to conduct due diligence in all of your endeavors, exploring licensing and insurance factors as well as other legal and financial issues.

Broker - business, real estate, information, business to business, investment etc.

Organizer - Office, Closet, Home, records, packaging,

Meeting Planner - Wedding, specialty, seminar, conference

E-Commerce - Web design, marketing, information, "finder", software design

Pet Care - sitter, groomer, walker, trainer

Physical Labor - Hauler, lawn care, snow removal, mover, handyman, home cleaning

Transportation - Elder, children, long distance, short distance, contract or on call

Delivery - Food, business to business same day, pick up and delivery

Investor - Real estate, finance, business

Writer - Books, newletter, music, greeting cards, lyrics, proposals, poetry

Consultant - Corporate, government, small business, real estate, finance, tax, international

Speaker - Keynote, seminars, spokesperson, voiceover, stand up comedy

Singer - Back up, jingles, commercials

Coach - Life, personal, career, academic, sports, college

More ideas can be found at