These days, people are starting entrepreneurial endeavors with very little or even none of their own money. Network Marketing and Multilevel Marketing companies seem to be in virtually every industry. Real estate investing may be even more versatile in its possibilities. There are many businesses where $10,000 or less can start a viable business. A few strategies for coming up with money are listed below. Be sure to conduct your own due diligence for what works best for you and research associated requirements.

1] Save it- Create a special account strictly for the purpose of funding your business,
2] Angel investors - Often have deep pockets, expertise who may also require a large percentage of business control,
3] Profit sharing- Smaller investors that believe in you and your idea enough to invest for "ownership" or negotiated returns. They come from your circle of contacts.
4] Crowdfunding- Very fast growing avenue. You post your business on one of the many platforms online and spread the word. Platforms exist for donations, to investments to loans.
5] Grants- Government, association and private resources
Joint Venture- for money or expertise.
While the 21st century offers unlimited opportunity on line, there is still much to be said about businesses that have traditional avenues. One can still use technology to boost the bottom line. Consider the 60+ businesses identified in this article by
"Entrepreneur". it even includes businesses one can start with an investment under $2000.00!