Thursday, November 8, 2018

Run Through

Run through!  Keep going.  Stay the course and see it through.  Keep on going.  You will know what to do. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Start Right and Persist

The thoughts you think tend to create the reality desire if you persist with your intention.  Focus on what you want, not on what you don't and success will knock at your door! #MotivationMessage #Success #Persist  #Ifyoucantcalmthewaterslearntoridethewaves #CliftonMcKnight

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Time to Make Your Move but Where?

Perhaps it is time to take another look at your life. Consider where you are and where you intend to be. Ready to make it happen? Reach out to me. Text or call 301.245.7165. It's time to go... better, it's time to GROW!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Be About Your Business! Be About Your Passion

Add more joy to your life.  Handle your business AND "Be about Your Passion!"  You add more meaning and flavor and you are more motivated when you are on purpose.  You deserve it.   Be about your business and succeed.  Prosperity awaits.  Clifton McKnight

Monday, August 6, 2018

opinions Everybody has one

Advice can be very useful but be sure to reserve the final say because ultimately you have to live with it.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Your Success is Always Under Construction

Rome was not built in a day and neither will your success be built in a day.  Keep hammering at your goals.  Keep measuring and evaluating your actions and adjusting your efforts as needed.  Step back every once in a while and appreciate your progress and keep building.  Clifton Mcknight Motivision reminding you, "If you can't calm the waters learn to ride the waves."  Now that's the Real Deal!  See more videos to add to your day at Clifton McKnight Leverageme2 on YouTube

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Worth It

 It may not be instant, probably not pretty... won't get all the spelling right or cross all your "Ts" but keep pressing. If it is worth doing, it is worth doing persistently.  Remember "If you can't calm the waters learn to ride the waves."  Stay encouaged.  Please subscribe.

 #Consistenteffort #MotiVision #RealDeal #PersistentEffort

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Keep Striving and Enjoy Today

#MotiVisionMessage #RealDeal #ItsYourTime #Ifyoucantcalmthewaterslearntoridethewaves #MarkHolland #BarbaraTalley #DrMom #MaryMcKnightTaylor #StephenCovey #CliftonMcKnight

Monday, March 26, 2018

Persist Ride the waves across the channel 360p

Persist using your inner vision.  In swimming from California to Catalina Island Florence Chadwick was first deterred. But when she discovered how close she came to her goal, Florence would return to conquer the obstacles before her.  Since then many have followed. learn from this as you set new goals and embark on your next journey,  Persist and succeed.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Your Year is Here!

This year can and should be (if YOU want it to) your year to grow to the next level. In the 21st century you have resources never available to entrepreneur.. Connect and expand. Use technology and global resources to bring your vision to fruition. Make a difference while you are out it. Ready? Catch up with me if you think you can use a hand or if you want to lend a hand. #Ifyoucantcalmthewaterslearntoridethewaves Clifton McKnight